Industriepark Bocholt in Bocholt, Kreis Borken

Regional overview
Municipal overview
Detail view


Area size 9,007 m²
Availability Available area within short term (< 2 years)
Area designation Commercial zone
Divisible No
24h operation No

Details on commercial zone

Industrial park Bocholt

Broadband connection: A fiber optic connection can be established at short notice. Available bandwidth: 100 Mbit/s to the Internet; fiber optic connections from locations in the Bocholt industrial area up to multiple Gbit/s. Next university location: On site - Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, Bocholt department - Study programs: economics, business informatics, industrial engineering, mechatronics, information and communication technology, International Management, Service Management, Distributed Systems and Bionics. Street address: Wüppings Weide, 46395 Bocholt

Area type GE / GI
Specifics Note on use: Permissible use classes V-VII;
retail assortments relevant to centers and local supply are not permitted!


Luftbildansicht I-Park

Transport infrastructure

Freeway A3 'Hollandlinie' 6 km
Airport Düsseldorf 80 km
Airport Münster/Osnabrück 90 km
Port Duisburg/Emmerich 30 km

Contact person

Julia Gesing
Wirtschaftsförderungs- und Stadtmarketing Gesellschaft Bocholt mbH & Co. KG
Osterstraße 23
46397 Bocholt
+49 287129493344

In cooperation with:

Münsterland e.V.

Ute Schmidt-Vöcks

+49 (0) 2571 949 381


Julia Gesing
Wirtschaftsförderungs- und Stadtmarketing Gesellschaft Bocholt mbH & Co. KG
Osterstraße 23
46397 Bocholt
+49 287129493344

In cooperation with:

Münsterland e.V.

Ute Schmidt-Vöcks

+49 (0) 2571 949 381